At Yardleys School, the health, safety and well-being of children is of paramount concern to us.
Our Safeguarding Leads are:
Mr. Sohal - TEL: 0121 464 5638 Ms. Mukadam - TEL: 0121 464 5648
In addition to this our Senior Leadership Team, Pastoral Team and Chair of Governors are all DSL trained.
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please refer these to Mr S Sohal who is the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Yardleys is committed to keeping our students safe, both in school and the wider community. As a caring school, we take both a preventative and responsive approach to Safeguarding. We work hard to pre-empt safeguarding concerns by assessing risk and educating young people of matters related to safeguarding. We also respond thoughtfully, empathetically and quickly to safeguarding issues as they arise taking a student centred approach in all cases.
As part of our safeguarding arrangements, we have a two-way information sharing agreement in place with West Midlands Police. The agreement is compliant with Crime & Disorder Act 1998 and Data Protection Act 1998 and focuses on preventing young people from becoming involved or further involved in crime and anti-social behaviour as a victim or offender.
If you have any queries about the partnership policy, please contact Mr. Basra on 0121 4646821.
All our staff are reminded of the very clear and high expectations placed upon them as professionals working with young people. Our Child Protection Policy is available on the School Policies page of our website.