The SEND department here at Yardleys School have the vision that, regardless of need or disability, all students will receive a high-quality and ambitious education. Students with special educational needs and/or disabilities will have their needs identified and supported throughout their time here at Yardleys to ensure they receive an inclusive learning provision. As a result of the provision provided by the school, students with special educational needs and/or disabilities will develop the skills they need to become independent learners and thinkers throughout their lives, allowing them to accomplish their dreams and live their lives to the fullest.
As a parent, some of the policies you may find helpful regarding our SEND provision here at Yardleys include:
The following SEND Information for Parents PowerPoint is designed to answer some FAQ.
SEND Information for Parents
If you have a child with a Special Education Need or a Disability the SEND Code of Practice requires the Local Authority to publish their Local Offer. The Local Offer tells you, what is available to you in the area your child goes to school. It can be found by going to:
If you have any additional questions or queries regarding our SEND provision here at Yardleys School please contact Mr Richard Thornton, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), who can be emailed on or contacted by direct line on 0121 464 5615.