Contact Us
Yardleys School
Reddings Lane
B11 3EY
If you have any questions about Yardleys School, please use the contact information below. To help us answer your enquiry more efficiently, please be as specific as possible and we will aim to get back to you as soon as we can. Our school reception is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.
School contact details:
- Telephone Number: 0121 464 6821
- Email:
Reception Opening Hours:
- Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm
Senior Leadership Team Heads of Year Headteacher: Mr G Basra Year 7: Ms C James Senior Deputy Head: Mr D Pohl Year 8: Mr R Vaughan Deputy Head: Mr V Webb Year 9: Mr S Sohal Deputy Head: Ms L Yates Year 10: Mr B Tilley Assistant Head: Mr J Guarini Year 11: Mr P Buckley Business Manager: Ms G Webb SENCO: Mr R Thornton Chair of Governors: Ms J Helme - DSL Contact: -- A college or training provider wishing to request access should contact:
Judith Price (Careers Co-ordinator)
Telephone: 0121 464 6821Email:
All access requests are at the Head teacher’s discretion and will be based around:
- the impact the event may have on the day to day running of the school
- the benefit of the proposed access to the students ‘whole child’ development
- ensuring a balanced unbiased programme is delivered across the school.