The Library
The Library at Yardleys aims to develop a community of passionate readers in a warm, welcoming, friendly and supportive learning environment which is at the heart of the school.
It is accessible to all students and staff, encouraging students to use our resources to explore, research, read and to connect with their peers, the wider school community and the greater world around us. The Library offers a wide range of books and resources that support teaching and learning through the Key Stages and is proactive in motivating our borrowers to Read for Pleasure as well as take part in a Book Award reading initiative and to engage in individual study and research. At Yardleys there exists a sense of community which is invaluable and the Library helps to equip our students with the transferable skills required to achieve throughout life. It has enabled countless students to improve their confidence, self-worth, their language and social skills as well as their literacy.
The Library aims to instil a life-long love of reading.All Key Stage 3 students receive a library induction lesson in the Autumn Term. All students are welcome to ask for assistance with book selections, the Literacy Ambassadors programme, the Reading for Pleasure Club and reading lists when they attend the Library.
- Yardleys Library is an active and proud member of the Federation of Children’s Book Group and takes part in their award reading book initiative. Our students read and vote on new releases which enables the authors to win a national book award.
- Our students can opt to take part in our Reading for Pleasure club.
- Yardleys Library participates in World Book Day every year.
- The Literacy Ambassadors programme allows our students to assist in selecting new books for the library by visiting the Book Bus, shelving books, recommending resources to other students and helping with events such as World Book Day.
- We have also hosted author visits with award winning authors such as Tom Palmer and Curtis Jobling.
Who Manages the Library? When is the Library open? Ms Keskinkilinc Monday to Friday - Lunchtimes & After School until 4pm (Monday-Thursday) 3.30pm (Friday) What Material does the Library stock? Do I need A Library Card? Our stock features a wide range of popular authors, debut novelists and prize winning texts No. Books are issued using the Library management system How many books may I take out at one time? How long is the loan period? Students are allowed to borrow up to 3 books at a time.
The loan period is three weeks.
What happens if I forget to take a book back on time?
I've lost a library book, what should I do?
Return it as soon as possible as you may be able to borrow other books
Don't panic! Speak to Mrs Keskinkilinc as soon as possible.