The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is offered by Yardleys School to broaden the horizons of our students. Through the award, we teach life skills, survival skills and give our students the opportunity to try something new to challenge themselves beyond the classroom.
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We have delivered the Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) scheme for many years. The DofE is a nationally recognised award that perfectly illustrates Yardley's commitment to providing high quality extracurricular activities to complement excellent academic attainment. Students achieve the award by completing a personal programme of activities broken down into four sections:
- Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community.
- Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities.
- Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests.
- Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad.
Bronze (14+)
In Year 9, students can complete the Bronze award. They need to complete the following four sections:
Volunteering Physical Skills Expedition 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months Plan, train for and complete a 2 day, 1 night expedition All participants must undertake a further 3 months in the Volunteering, Physical or Skills section (you will do one for 6 months). These must be activities that you do for around an hour a week.
Our team of staff will guide and support our students in all aspects of the process, including supervising a practice expedition before they complete their qualifying expedition.
All expeditions take place in the summer term in the countryside south of Birmingham. After putting down a £20 deposit, each student is lent a rucksack, sleeping bag and roll-mat, with their teams also being given tents and cooking Trangias. They just need to get their own boots and waterproofs.
Silver (15+)
In Year 10, students can complete the Silver award. As with Bronze, they have four sections to complete:
Volunteering Physical Skills Expedition 6 Months 6 or 3 Months 6 or 3 Months Plan, train for and complete a 3 day, 2 night expedition in more difficult terrain You will either do your physical for 3 months and your skills for 6 or vice versa. If you haven’t done Bronze, you must complete one of your 6-month sections for 12 months. These must be activities that you do for around an hour a week.
The same process applies to Silver as it does for Bronze. Our staff will guide you towards completing your sections, as well as supporting practice and qualifying expeditions to the Peak District.
Gold (16+)
Sadly, we do not offer the Gold award at Yardleys. However, if any of our students wish to complete Gold independently, we are happy to offer support and lend them equipment after they have left the school to facilitate their Gold Award.
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