Applying for Grammar School Sixth Forms
- Before applying for Grammar School Sixth Forms make sure you:
- Research the school - its location, values, courses it offers.
- Find out the closing date for applications and what the application entails, including the entry requirements.
- Use Unifrog to:
- Find out about careers, universities and post-16 courses to identify a pathway for what you want to do.
- 'Fill-out' and improve your application with some of the opportunities on offer.
Use this assignment block to write and submit a Personal Statement for checking by Mr Webb.
When writing a Personal Statement think of the following key points:
1. Why?
- That Sixth Form (i.e. why Camp Hill?) – connect to its values, what it offers, both in the classroom and beyond.
- How does it connect to a longer-term plan, i.e. university and career?
2. Courses:
- What courses and why, possibly returning to the longer-term plans.
- Explore an aspect of your current study and how it prompted your (further) interest
- Have you done anything to support or prepare for these courses?
3. Who you are?
- Your interests – try and connect these to the courses, and again, longer-term plans.
- More generally, your interests – you are trying to show you are a well-rounded person.
- What could you contribute to the Sixth Form?