Topic outline

  • Key Homework Information

    How will homework support your child's academic progress?

    The homework which we set your child provides them with an opportunity to consolidate and develop their understanding of the content taught in lessons, as well as providing an opportunity to carry out further research. 

    We believe, and having engaged with academic research, that this approach is highly beneficial for our learners in building their long-term memory, and ensuring the content they cover is class is not forgotten. We also acknowledge that homework can play a vital role in enabling our pupils to become independent learners. Homework helps develop pupils organisation, build routine and develop good habits, all of which foster independence.

    We understand that we all have different commitments after school. Therefore, to help assist with this all homework be issued every Tuesday on Show My Homework, with completion due on the following Monday. This allows you and your child to plan out at what points in the week homework will be completed.

    • How can you support your child with their homework?

      • Build homework into your child's evening routine
      • Provide a quiet space for your child to complete any homework set
      • Ensure they have an appropriate device to complete online work via Show My Homework and access to the internet (we also offer access to computer rooms during lunch times and afterschool)
      • Encourage your child to complete the additional learning tasks set (see year group overviews) to help deepen their learning
      • Check to see if their homework is completed by logging into the parent app for Show My Homework
      • Use incentives and rewards such as giving them screen time as a reward for an hour of work

      • Homework FAQ's

        Why is Homework Important?

        Homework plays a vital role in your child’s academic success.

        Our brains are designed to forgot the information which we don’t go back over. Homework is the bridge between ensuring your child doesn’t forget the content covered in class. The core homework which we set requires your child to revisit content which has been previously taught in lesson. We believe, and having engaged with academic research, that this approach is highly beneficial in building their long-term memory, and ensuring the content they cover is class is not forgotten.

        However, homework is also about organisation and developing good habits and routines, which we believe are vital skills to equip your child with.

        How will my child’s homework be set?

        Your child’s homework will be set online on Show My Homework. All homework will be set on one system to help with your child’s organisation.

        Homework will be set weekly for your child. Homework will be set on Show My Homework every Tuesday, and due on the following Monday.

        How can my child access Show My Homework?

        Please click the link to the guide above.

        What homework can my child expect to be set?

        KS3 (Year 7 – 9)

        Core Homework: At KS3 your child will be set a series of questions for each subject which provide instant feedback.

        KS4 (Year 10 & 11)

        Core Homework: Each Department will decide what core homework will look like and this may look different from one subject to another. Please see the Department documents on our website for further information.

        Is my child able to access a computer room in school to help with their homework?

        Your child is able to access a computer room during the following times:


        Access to our computer room in 201


        We offer a homework club every day after school in the Library. Here, your child is able to access a quiet space, with the use of IT equipment, to complete their homework.